professional wealth management advisers

Friday, July 29, 2011

Investors with Advisors - wealthier and wiser!

For some time now there has been a deluge of criticism of the financial planning industry: and all of this at a time when the industry has been working hard to 'extinguish those bushfires' - and push for a higher level of formal qualifications (and ethics) for its participants, looking to achieve recognition as professionals. It is gratifying to find the results of the independently-conducted survey a year ago, has shown that clients of financial planners/ advisers are -
  • happier with the manageability, diversification and return on investments;
  • happier with the diversification aspect as they grow older; and with all aspects of their investment as their investable wealth is greater; and
  • understanding of the role of their advisor.
Interestingly, those who have an advisor rate their 'trust' factor in relation to financial planners much higher (at 7.5 out of 10) than respondents who are not currently receiving advice from a professional (at 4.5 out of 10).
Readers of this Blog might be interested to follow up on some of the issues and compare information on Continuum Financial Planners website to see how we might rank as advisers for them.

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